Brighouse's No.1 Professional Tutoring Service
Our tutors are professionally qualified primary and secondary specialists who know how to help boost your child’s confidence by making learning fun and engaging.
Our free educational assessment is simple and stress-free, allowing us to establish precisely what your child needs in order to excel in school.
Our free educational assessment enables us to tailor a personalised learning program exactly to your child’s needs.
Frank, Debra and the team are dedicated to helping students reach their full potential. ​
With over 16 years experience of tutoring local children, our team of friendly primary and secondary specialist teachers will ensure that your child receives the support and guidance they need to excel in their studies.
Schools work incredibly hard to support children but sometimes a little extra help is needed so that your child can catch up, keep up and meet targets. When your child is struggling at school, they can lose confidence and 'switch off' to protect themselves from further confusion. Here at Kip McGrath Brighouse, we understand how worrying this can be for parents and how difficult it must feel for your child.
Enrolling your child with us is the valuable first step you can take to build your child's confidence. Our FREE assessment is designed to identify gaps in skills and knowledge. From day one, we work with students to build the strong foundations needed to progress and excel at school.